Monday, September 13, 2010

Atmosphere and the Rest of the World....

Chose ONE atmospheric event that with which you have had some experience. Tell your story. It MUST be something no one else has mentioned. READ other blogs before you write.

Discuss how that atmospheric event had an impact on other parts of the environment (hydrosphere, lithophere, biosphere). Were they positive or negative impacts? Explain.


  1. While vacationing in Asheville, NC a hail storm blew in. We were attending a street festival and had no where to go. The icy storm water rushed down the street and made our legs numb. I was so afraid a tornado might be next!

    The hail stones damaged plants all over the city (lithosphere) and was painful to people out in the open and froze the feel of those just under tents (biosphere). The icy water also ran down the mountain, flooding the streets below and causing significant erosion (hydrosphere and lithosphere). All of the impacts in this situation (plant damage, human pain, flooding and erosion) had a negative influence on that area.

  2. T'Keyah Johnson
    During Hurricane Isabelle, my family and I traveled to Deleware to get out of the storm . Instead of getting away from the storm we ran into the storm. There was tremndous flooding, so much water you could hardly swim in it. I thought we were going to die !

    The effects of the hurricane was diasterous, it had a negative impact. The streets were flooded with great depth, the hydrosphere. Debri and other land objects were flying everywhere as if it was a tornado, lithosphere. The people were also affected because the street lights were out and so was most of the other electricity, biosphere. This definitly had a HUGE impact on Deleware and its people.

  3. Four years ago when I lived in currituk me my dad and my little brothers where in a tornado. It was late at night and we lived in a very old house and I thought it was going to fall down. Everything outside of our house was blowing away, we probaly lost about $500 worth of stuff. I could not sleep and my brother was
    s going crazy. It was the worst night of my life.

  4. When I was about 10yrs old I witnessed the scariest thing that a 10 yr. old girl could go through. A tornado. We were so unprepared for what was to come: the lights went out, couldnt use the phone, and NO WATER!

    The effect that thos storm caused were horrible. Trees were pulled from the roots and laying over top of each other or either blown into a differnt location(Lithosphere. Houses were distroyed: windows broken, the skirting of the houses were annihilated , roofs were either caved in or half were blown off (Biosphere).Also there was no water supply and no electricity.(Hydrosphere)

  5. Last year while i was living in Collins, GA, I experienced a world of slush. It happened sometime during the winter( don't ask me when) and i was so excited. Camron, Marcus, and I all ran outside in the middle of the night and played in it for about an hour. It was not very thick, however it held together well enough to make a few snowballs. The only disadvantages from that night were that I got a cold and Cam got pneumonia.
    The snow affected the lithospere by the amount of snow hitting it and making mud. It also affected the atmosphere and hydrosphere by the precipitation.

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  8. About four summers ago my dad and I were buliding barbed wire fence on the ranch we own in Nebraska. Usually during the summer there, there are usually three or four days were it is over 95. One this one day we were doing the hardest and most stranious work that you can do on a rach and it was blistering heat. We were out in the feild so theres no way of knowing the temperature. Finaly we had enough and called it quits. Later we found out it was 110 degrees and there was a heat advisory out.

    The heat can cause many things to happen. This heat caused us to stop working and some to have heat stroke. Most of the house plants suffered greatly from the massive heat. There was also no wind so the windmill's weren't pumping water for the cows. That kind of heat also dries out the ground causeing it to crack up in some places. The intense heat had many effects on the ecosystem.

  9. A couple of years ago my family and I were out in the boat and our boat had run out of gas. As we were getting the oars out to start paddling back to our pier a thunderstorm came up, but we still paddled home! We all got home safely although it was a miserable ride home.

    The thunderstorm had a negative impact on my family and our enviroment. The hydrosphere was affected by the flooding and high tides. The lithosphere was affected by the rain and all of the mud it had caused. The biosphere was also affected by the trees blowing and branches being blown out of the trees.

  10. Aaron Johnson
    One time it was a thunder storm and it was rainy and windy and i had to flip my tramp-o-line over. It was not good.

    When it was still raining it flooded my whole street(hydrosphere). It was enough water to canoe out there!!! The water also made my backyard very muddy(lithosphere)and i slipped!! Then the wind was picking up and blew my tramp-o-line over my head and into my neighbor yard. Also the wind took half of a tree down. It was a negative impact.

  11. Back when I lived in Maryland we had a blizzard. I was about 6 years old and I did not know what was happening or what to do. My mother and father told me what was happening. I was really scared. My parents were both outside shoveling the snow off of our driveway. We got about 3 1/2 feet of snow and we were stuck there for about a week. We were without power for about 2 days.

    This blizzard impacted the biosphere because people could not get out and go places. It impacted the lithosphere because plants and trees could not grow becaue of all the snow and ice on them. It impacted the hydrosphere because the temperatures were below freezing and that just made the water turn into ice and without the sun to warm it, the snow and ice could not evaporate properly. The blizzard is a negative impact because it can lead to flooding once all the snow and ice melts. Another negative impact is that people could not get out and go to work or to the store.

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  13. Every morning when I walk up to he main building from the Ag building I'm very careful to not step in the grass. The reason being the dew on the ground. I wear flip-flops most every day and I don't like the water to get on my feet and shoes because it is an uncomfortable feeling.

    Dew affects the lithosphere because it forms on the grass, therefore hydrating the roots which is positive. It affects the hydrosphere because it takes water vapor from the are to form dew which is negative. and Dew affects the biosphere because it can cause people to get hut from slipping on it which is negative.

  14. While i was in weeksville riding four wheelers one day it started to rain really bad and the ground was getting very messy. We kept riding them anyways...then five minutes later it startd lighting very bad and strutched the groun; it was so sharp and bright and it was very shocking.

    anything could of gotten hit by the lighting it was very the rain really messed up the ground ;it mad the ground soggy. the lighting hit the ground very sharp and direct.

  15. onetime during a storm one of my trees got hit by lightning. It was a huge tree it looked like it was going to hit the house but it didn't. Also my dog got really scarred and starred whimpering. He was freaking out for quite sometime.
    it effected the biosphere by killing the birds nest when it fell. it effected the atmosphere by killing the try meaning the tree cant breath in carbon dioxide and breath out oxygen.It effected the lithosphere in a negatively by killing alot of grass.

  16. I think it was sometime last year around December. My cousin was taking me home after I stayed with her and the night before there was a snow storm not nothing to serious but, as she was driving w noticed that there was alot of black ice on the roads. I seriously thought that we was going to slide of the road and hit a tree or something. Can you say SCARY? .

    The black ice affected the roads and cars was sliding left and right(biosphere,lithosphere). It also froze water on the side of the roads and created hazards(hydrosphere).

  17. one day after it rained lightly , after the rain stopped and evrything , a rainbow appeared in the sky. it was so pretty! the colors were so beautiful. it was magical.

    the rainbow could be seen here on earth(troposphere) the rainbow is reflected from rays of the sun.(stratosphere)

  18. About threee years ago.. I expereinced a drought. Everything seemed so dead around there. The plants were all dried out.. The air had a very sticky kind of texture to it.. It wasnt a refreshing feeling like when you feel a breeze outside.. Due to the lack of rain some of the rivers, creeks and things of that nature started to shrink.. It was a kind of scary thing when you think about it.. Those waterways are important factors than help maintain life among this planet. It was a very negative affect on the enviroment.

  19. jason said....That when in the 7th grade i had to choose a project and it was on flash floods and i had to do a demostration on it so a week later i had a box of dirt and a bottle of water a little city sitting at the bottom of the dirt and when i had pured the water on the dirt it had tumble and look like a dirt avalach it was so amazing it had ruined the trees the house was destroyed the plastic people was buried in mud it was just like the real thing but minuture.

  20. a couple years ago when we lived in kentucky,and it was about winter time. It had snowed two days before,but the day we were going to see my moms friend it had started to sleet.Mom said it would be okay to go ahead and go so we did. We were going down the hill we started to slide, because the sleet froze over the snow on the road and made ice,then we ended up in the ditch.

    Sleet can cause many plants and other things on the lithosphere to freeze which can cause some problems to the environment,so it has a negative effect.It takes water from the hydrosphere like rain only it freezes as it falls, I dont know if this has a positive or negative effect.

  21. A couple years ago I went over to my friends house to spend the night and he lives over on the pasquatank river. As we were sitting inside we suddenly looked out of a window over looking the river and we saw a waterspout. A water spout is a tornado on the water. We were all lucky because it did not hit land or go anywhere near the house.

    A waterspout can damage a lot of stuff in its way and it picks up a lot of water and fishes and can put it in other places(biosphere). If it hits land it can also dump water on plants there(lithosphere). A water spout can go both ways and it can be a positive effect or even a negative effect.

  22. This summer i went to visit my Grandma in Georgia. My brother, my friend and I was suppose to go around the corner to another friend's house to play basketball with the teens in the neighborhood. As soon as we stepped out the door, it felt like the heat was on outside! So we still walked to the house, but instead of playing we just sat on the steps. When we went back home, the weather said the heat index was 130 degrees!

    We needed many bottles of water ton stay hydrated(hydrosphere). The grass seemed greener but drier than usual(lithosphere). We could not do much moving, so we were a little bored(biosphere).

  23. THIS IS MY NEW BLOG one time i experinced a tropical storm. it was really bad. i didn't have lights for a week. it was really bad

    the [hydrosphe] was messed up because it was a lot of flooding water. it was crazy. the [litosphere] was getting messed up with all the water mussing it up and caused erosion and things like that. the [biosphere] was messed up for animals because of flooding and things like that.

  24. during a storm ago the wind sheer got really bad. It started tearing shingles of my roof . also it made my tree falls and trampolines blow away. It made my tent flyaway too. It was pretty disappointing :/

    It had a negative effect on the the lithosphere by killing all the grass under the tree. It effected the atmosphere by killing the tree which means the tree cant breath in carbon dioxide and breath out oxygen. It had a bad effect on the biosphere by killing the birds nest up in the tree.

  25. One evening we were on our way home and the sky started looking like it was going to storm. I notice the sky was getting very dark and before my eyes the whole sky just lite up with this bright light. At first I wasn't sure what had happen and was scared. Then my parents had told me it was just heat lightning.

    Heat lightning can hurt the lithosphere because if it hits the ground it can destroy things and can cause some damages to the earth.

  26. This is my new blog. This time im going to talk about one time I was delayed from school because of fog. It was really foggy outside, and there was a 3 hour delay from school

    The fog was evaporating the flood water from the previous night when it rained(hydrosphere). people were deayed from school and the adults were help up from being to work on time(biosphere). The fog mk=ade everywhere you went so smokey you could not even see(lithosphere). I ould say that the fog had a negative impact being that it held people up and people couldnt see and stuff.

  27. [This is late, and my new blog. I didn't delete the other one.]

    This summer when I went to Orlando, Florida for a basketball tournament. They had a area where water shot up from the ground. I said " This is similar to a Waterspout!".

    (hydrosphere)The water from the ground. (biosphere) Little kids run around in the water. Also felt as if you were lifting the water up. (lithosphere) All the plants and bushes around it were always getting water
