Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Acid Rain: Threats and Effects

What do you think is the most serious acid rain threat to our atmosphere and environment in general? Explain why and what you fear may happen if that threat goes uncontrolled.


  1. I think the overabundance of vehicles being used in the US on a daily basis is the worst acid rain threat. Many vehicles are not properly maintained and some areas are just too congested with automobiles.

    I fear the negative effects on vegetation (limiting food quality and oxygen production) as well asa historical landmarks (weathering of cemetaries and old structures). Mostly, I am concerned about the health of future generations if our environment is continuously compromised.

  2. I think that the most serious threat is industrial buildings. There are many different types of industies, which makes the smoke in the air more harmful.

    Most industies are built close together and that doubles the amount of smoke in one area. Acid rain is formed from this and it causes many types of plants and animals to die. I fear that if this problem goes on without control, the population of those organisms will decrease, and our food and even oxygen that is replenished from plants may grow scarce and everything just may die.

  3. From my view point,volcanoes,are the most serious threat to our atmosphere. Gases from volcanoes bring sulfur, which brings acid rain!

    The health hazard is the biggest thing I fear. Acid rain can bring respiratory issues, which is a very serious matter. I also hate to see the buildings and statues that are ruined because of acid rain. When tourists come this is not attractive !

  4. The biggest threat to acid rain happening is the gases released by cows. The more gas that the cows disperes into the atmosphere, the more they disperse into the clouds to form acid rain.

    Cows have to realase the gas because its natural, but I fear that there three stomachs spell doom for the world. If there flatulents are not contained then I am afraid that acid rain will become more prominent. The population of the world is growing which means that we have to feed them, what you might ask, MEAT. Meat is from cows, which produce those gases that are adding to acid rain. There seems to be no end to the cows doing there part to the acid rain.

  5. One of the biggest threats of acid rain is deforestation, when many trees are cut down in an area for other land uses.

    Deforestation can cause acid rain because without the trees there the air will not be filtered and we will not have any new oxygen to breath. This could also cause health problems such as breathing and it could also trigger asthma. Acid rain is not good for our enviroment and I hope I will never have to experience it.

  6. In my Opinion the most serious acid rain threat in the atmosphere is when the forest gets destroyed and gives off that awful smell, which releases a pollution into the air that we breath from day to day.

    My most greatest fear if this threat gets out of control is the effect that it will have on a persons health.

  7. I think that the leading cause of acid rain is dry deposition polluting particles and gases stick to the ground creating dust and smoke in the absence of precipitation. This form of deposition is dangerous however because precipitation can eventually wash pollutants into streams, lakes, and rivers.

    My fear with this problem is that it will cause to many problems with aquatic life.

  8. In my opinion I think the most serious acid rain effect is the effect it has on the air. It can cause many heatlh problems with humans such as brain damage, kidney problems, and also alzhemimers. A serious effect on the enviroment is that it can get in the river and oceans cause problems such eggs not hatching which effects the ecosystem. I fear that if we dont try to prevent acid rain many people can become sick and also that are ecosystem can be harmed cause many problems in the food chain that may affect us humans.

  9. I believe that air pollution is a scary and serious threat to acid rain. As the years pass air pollution is getting progressively worse so acid rain is getting worse especially with all the industrial processes and cars.

    I'm scared of the effects on people and our health and the food chain. The fact that acid rain isn't the first thing on everybody's mind as a major issue is also a scary thought.

  10. I feel that aquatic animals are in serious threat. The acid in the rain effects aquatic animals when the rain mixes with ocean waters. The acidic is causing sickness and death in these animals.

    My fear is that we might not have food that we can eat if the animals keep getting sick with all the acid in the rain.

  11. I think that the burning of fossil fuels is the worst acid rain threat for me. The reason is because we keep doing it everyday. When you burn the coal you release sulfur dioxide into the air. Which is why its not good to have a lot of power plants because they release the majority of the sulfur dioxide.It makes it so that there is a lot of pollutants in the air which then causes acid rain.

  12. I think that charcoal grills are a serious threat to the atmosphere because of the smog that goes into the air and it is polluting the air so much. its not good for humans to breath in that smog.

    My fear is that this can cause brain damage and respiratory problems for humans in the future.

  13. My biggest fear is industrial factories.

    They put all those chemicals in the air and acid rain comes down pouring. Its really scary how acid rain can do many things to nature and other things thats on earth. Also acid rain can cause serious health problems to you and others who been in contact.

  14. From my point of view, Acid rain is a big threat to the environment. I say that because acid rain can ruin buildings and the structures we have around here!

    Structures that are made of things like copper or marble or sandstone and stuff can be ate alive by acid rain! Damages can be seen on buildings and even very special monuments that people really care about! I fear that if this continues all of our very nice structures and our special monuments will be no more!

  15. I believe that powerplants is the worst threat to our enviorment and is the worst cause to acid rain.

    If the threat gets uncotrolled then a lot of bad stuff will start happening like cars getting messed up and a lot of old monuments and buildings will start to wear away because of the acid rain.

  16. A lot of people are starting to fish more. All of the lures that they buy have lead in them and lead is a cause of acid rain. Lead is also in water pipes and the acid rain does lots of damage to the fish too. If people use different types of things to fish with like live bait they will not have to make as much artifical lures with all of the lead.

  17. i think that the biggest thing that will really cause alot of acid rain is pollution of our waters(lakes,rivers,etc) i say this because when you pollut the water with different types of things that may contain different types of chemicals that may or may not be harmful , can evaporate into the air and then cause acid rain.

  18. i think that people burning trash on the ground using gas really causes alot of acid rain.

    If you burn trash with gas it will release alot of smoke that will rise into the air creating acid rain. The trash that you are burning may contain chemicals that can harm people.

  19. The most serious acid rain threat to me is granite. Granite rocks come to be more sensitive on buildings. While other granite is mostly used for buildings. You never know, unless tested which will hold.
    After acid rain had hit, granite is cut by drilling holes and driving steel wedges into the holes. That is why im afraid, because you do not know where or when granite will decay.
