Monday, October 11, 2010

Water, Water, Everywhere....

If over 70% of the Earth is water, what water feature of the Earth do you think is especially essential. Deep Oceans? Coastlines? Rivers? Groundwater?

Why is this important to preserve and protect? What impacts might pollution or misuse of this water reservoir cause?

USE correct grammar, spelling and DO NOT repeat someone else's response.


  1. Since 90% of all life finds it's habitat in the ocean, I think that shorelines are the most crucial area of the hydrosphere. At the shores, the ocean meets the land (where humans are most often occupying). This increases the probability of pollution and disruption of the natural environment. The impacts of problems have been historical from the closing of beaches from sewage runoff to the closing of fishing waters from oil spills.

    Life without the beach? MISERABLE. Well, for me it is, anyway.

  2. I believe rivers are the most important body of water. The world would never have become what it was today without them. The majority of the earliest civilizations were based around river valleys. The water from these rivers helped fuel the life of those ancient people, which eventually evolved into the many advanced civilizations we have today.

  3. I belive polar icecaps are the most important water source. First off icecaps can tell us history by what is in the layers of the ice. Second with out the polar icecaps the we would not have an adiquet climate variation it the future. We need to preserve these icecaps for the future. Pollution would hurt this particular enviroment because of global warming. Lastly these frozen landscapes are common palces for polar bears to play.

  4. I think groundwater is our most important water source. All of our drinking water is brought up through wells underground. Without this we would not have access to water for household uses as easily. Groundwater can be polluted by things such as pesticides that were sprayed on the fields.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I think that the ocean is the most important because it has the currents. This helps balance the temperatures. It can move the warm water to a cooler place. The currents also help us by helping the fish migrate to a warmer place, our food source. The ocean also has all those little plankton that absorb sunlight and make oxygen.

  7. I believe that the deep oceans are equally important as fresh water sources.The ocean provides a major food source through fresh seafood and other organic materials such as kelp and seaweed. The oceans can polluted by harmful chemicals being put into lakes, streams, and rivers that eventually lead back into the ocean. That why keeping ground water /fresh water sources clean helps us all.

  8. Lakes, are the most essential water source to Earth in my opinion. Lakes usually are drained by rivers and streams. Most lakes contain fresh water, which is a huge resource to human needs. Pollution really affects the lakes, because they provide us with a resource we cant live without, water. By polluting the water and not preserving we are creating a huge hazard !

  9. Did you know up to 70% of our body is made up of water too! 75% muscle, 50% fat, and research says our brain is 80% water! So my most essential water, comes from purified water bottles! The more water bottles you save, the more you have to refill. Polluting the water bottles, by throwing them out onto the road, or ocean. That may harm animals both in the woods, and ocean! Also to humans, that is more money we have to spend to buy more purified water.

  10. I think that swamps are the most important water source. Well fresh watered swamps. But why swamps? I say swamps are most important because they can be important for vegetation. Thats why they are important to protect. For those who think that rivers are most important, did you know that rivers could become swamps for distance? Swamps are sometimes associated with adjacent lakes and rivers. So really they can be similar.
    Pollutions and misuse of this water could harm the sea animlas that live in them, like fish, snakes, alligators, etc.

  11. I think waterfalls are the most important water source. i think they need to protect this water source. because this is where we get our deer park, and aqafina, etc water we drink. because if we keep polluting water like we are than the water will be harder to make pure than it already is. Thats why i think waterfalls are the most important water source.

  12. I think glacier is the most important water source because it is one of your main sources of water to use and as it startes to melt it adds clean water under the glaciers. You need to protect it by people not going on it or trying to break the glaciers that will make it all polluted underneath. Try to prevent people from hurting the glaciers.

  13. Groundwater is very important because, you can do almost anything with groundwater like; drinking, cooking, cleaning, showering, and all other types of activities. 97% of people who live in rural areas uses groundwater & 30-40% uses groundwater just for agricultural reasons like; farming.

    Groundwater gets polluted by industries and pesticides.

  14. I think that lakes are the most important water source... I feel this way because animals use lakes for drinking and things like that. People eat animals so if the lakes were to get polluted i think we would see a big change in the ecosystem.

  15. In my opinion the aquatic layer that is just below groundwater is the most essential. Because of its location it is least likely to get contaminated. I believe that it will be the easiest to purify if it came down to being even the slightest of being damaged.

  16. I think that the gulf is the most important water source because the gulf leads into the ocean and if you pollute the gulf than you are killing a lot of the animals that live there and most of those animals are food for us. If they get killed then we will not be able to eat seafood. The gulf is also very important to the oil industries because of the oil vents at the bottom of the gulf. Without these vents then the oil companies could run out of oil and then they would have no other place to get extra oil.

  17. The most important source of water for me is underground aquifers. Out in Nebraska the only way to get water to the cows is from the ground. We use windmills and solar powered pumps to draw up the water. Without these deep wells most of every rancher would be out of business. Water is the most important part of a cows diet. One of the biggest problems to these underground aquifers is motor oil mot being properly disposed of. If it is just tossed onto the ground it seeps into the earth and comes into contact with the water. The only way to counteract this is proper disposal of motor oil.

  18. I think the deep sea is the most important part of the hydrolic system. We get most of our seafood from deep sea fishing, and most of the rain we get is from the ocean an goes into our lakes, rivers, and streams. We get most of our drinking water from those bodys of water which makes it a supply of water. One way that it can get poluted is from an oil spill.

  19. I think groundwater is important cause without groundwater life would cease to exist. Also Civilization would fall apart cause NO! one could drink, bath, or cook Think of all the stuff you couldn't do without water you would be very limited. Did you know that 98% of available water is groundwater. Groundwater can be polluted by chemicals and mineral and metallic deposits in rock and soil. We can over use groundwater as a resource for food production.

  20. I think the water cycle is important cause without precipitation,evaporation,and codensation etc we wouldnt even have ground water or aqiufers or rain we wouldnt also have rain none of these we probaly die of thirst if there was no water cycle.

  21. I think that the rivers are the most important bodies of water. I say this because Rivers, Lakes, & etc are the only sources of freshwater that are avalible. Freshwater is the only drinkable water for humans. If we don't have water, we cant survive. So therefore, it's important to make sure these sources stay clean! Or else, they won't be drinkable. We can preserve these sources by keeping pollution down & just keeping it clean.

  22. I think that rivers and lakes are very essential to life on earth, although the ocean contains alot of life inside of it. Many animals and plants also depend on freshwater to help them survive. Alot of rivers and lakes can also be reconized for their beauty and popularity. Niagra Falls is one of the most beautiful and reconized waterfalls in the US. A waterfall is devloped from a river. Has anyone ever heard of Lake Michigan? Who hasn't? It is one of the huge lakes at the top of the country. You'd have to be blind not to see it!
    If these water sources were to be polluted, then it would cut down on the water supply in that area. Then, they'd have to go to another place to get water; while they are going that, they are cutting supply in the new area and creating a chain reaction till there is none left.( maybe not that far)

  23. I think that streams are a vey essential part of the world;the reason I say that is because in streams there is freshwater and without freshwater we will get sick all the time.We need to protect this water or we will see fungi,gems, and bacteria. If we let this water go down we could see many health issues and maybe even deaths around the world; so we need to keep the streams clean for freshwater.
