Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It's a Sea WHAT?!?!

Research newly discovered sea creatures on sites such as the following:

Describe the species discovered, the latin and common names, and what role it has in the ecosystem.

How would you feel about swimming with one? Describe your reaction if you found one yourself.

DO NOT repeat other students' responses and make sure your response is complete.


  1. The Yeti crab is a scary looking half- spider, half- crab creature that was named the Yeti because it is furry and looks like Big Foot, or a Yeti.

    It was discovered in 2005 in the South Pacific by a group from Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute in very deep waters and it's latin name is 'iwa hirsuta.'

    The fuzzy part of the crab isn't just for a fuzzy look, but is an adaptation to help the crab capture food. It eats some algae, but is mostly carnivorous (eats meat). Small shrimp are a staple of its diet.

    Sorry, Yeti- I NEVER want to see you. You may only be 6 inches long and not able to really hurt me, but I'm afraid you would make me hurt myself (getting away from you). You remind me of the furry spiders that hide in my attic and I'm not friends with any of them.....

  2. I chose the Electric Blue Worm. It is very tiny and bright blue. The worm has 2 long electric blue thingys coming off it and a bunch of yellow bristles. This worm flashes because it lives in the darkness.

    It was posted this july so it must have been discovered sometime around then. They have gone up to 12000 feet deep and found these. The worm will scuffle around on the seafloor with all of those bristles and pick up little bits of food.

    I would like to see one of these things off of a boat or something because they are really cool and bright but if i was in the water when i saw one, I would about have a heart attack because it looks dangerous too.

  3. A sea cucumber is a marine animal with a long body and leathery skin that stays in the seabed of all ocean bodies. Sea cucumbers move very slow(at a snails pace) along the sea floor. A sea cucumber is clearish white with an orange stripe that goes down the middle.

    The Latin name for the sea cucumber is beche de mer and the scientific name is holothuroidea. The sea cucumber feeds on plankton on the bottom of the sea. It can also tighten and loosen its body wall as it chooses to liquify itself to get through narrow openings.

    I think it would be cool to swim with a sea cucumber but if I was just swimming around and came up on one I think I would be a little frightened!

  4. The ISOPOD is said to be like a "needle in a haystack." The top of its body is brown and the bottom part is clear-white. It has somewhat like "tentacles" sticking out of its body, that appear to be sharp. Some of the species are rare, while others are quite abundant. Isopods are starting to evolve in a parasitic life. "Iso" is Greek "similar or equal", while pod means "foot."

    I would be really scared to swim with one. It looks like a bug in someone house, which makes me even more scared! If I found one I would be so excited. Especially since its a newly discovered sea creature.

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  8. The snail fish eel. It looks like a ell or fish that can fly because it looks like it has wings on the side of it which is its fins.

    it was discoverd in deep ocean trenches in the pacific ocean it was found in a japan trench and filmed there. The latin name for the snail fish is liparis tanakae. They play an important role in the oceans life cycle.

    if ran into one of these i wouldn't be scared because it lokks kinda cool and harmless i probally would eat it if i caught it but i wouldn't be scared if i ran into it.

  9. The sea creature that I chose is the common hatchetfish. They belong to the freshwater hatchetfish family. They mostly stay in the top levels of the water. They are greedy fish. Their latin name is "Gasteropelecus sternicla".

    I would feel very comfortable swimming beside it, because I learned that they are very peaceful to other fish. Im not calling myself a fish or anything though. But anyways, I would get scared when it jumps though. They jump when they get alarmed and they can even jump out of the water. They have winglike fins, thats why they are able to do that. But other than that I would enjoy swimming with them, and besides they grow to be like 2.5 inchs. If I found one myself I would be excited and keep it as my pet.

  10. Basket Star also know as Ganocephalus is a type of brittle star. It is cousins with the sea star we know of today. They have long sort of tangled arms. They eat plankton and also shrimp. This creature was discovered on July 3, 2010 on the MAR-ECO voyage.

    If I ran into one of these sea stars while I was swimming, I think that I would be scared at first just because I dont know what it is but I think after I get to know what it is I would enjoy watching it untangle is arms. I think that would be a very cool site to see.

  11. I chose an amphipod. An amphipod is a prawn-like crustacean. This creature was discovered on March 16, 2010 in the Sargasso Sea in the North Atlantic. The latin name for this animal is amphipoda. the common name is lawn shrimp. This animal eats each other or they latch onto dead fish and other organic matter that floats down from above.

    If I saw one of these animals while I was swimming, I think I would be scared because I would not know what it is. I would be afraid that it would bite me or something. I think once I found out what it was then I guess I would be okay swimming around it.

  12. I chose an Jurasic Shrimp also known as Neoglyphea neocaledonica. It was recently found on an underwater peak in the Coral Sea in 2006. The Jurassic Fish was thought to be extinct over 50 million years ago but yet found in Australian waters.

    It is white with a light pink shade and red dots. It kinda has a lobster shape to it.

    If I was ever to have encounter with this creature I would most likely try to get as far away from it as possible. When I say this I mean it looks harmless but to get on its bad side is a complete different story.

  13. The box jellyfish which is also known as the sea wasp are the most deadly jellyfish and venomus creatures in the world.

    The Chironex fleckeri (latin name) or better know as sea wasp mostly live around northern Austrailia, Japan, and vietnam. This species was found in Japan in 2009. It is a very transparent blue and is almost impossible to see in the water to swimmers. This makes them even more dangerous, including there highly toxic venom. They have four clusters of fifteen tenticles. They also have eyes on both sides, and the top and grow to hlaf the size of a basketball. A experiment was conducted and found that they are reppeled by the color red. This is helpgul because you can die from there posion within three minutes.

    This creature scares the heck out of me. I just learned about it and honestly I hope to never encounter it.

  14. New type of squid called a champion chewer it was discovered in the north mid atlantic ridge, which is a chain on undersea mountains halfway between europe and North America. Its common name champion chewer because the shape of head suggest that it is a strong chewer. Its latin name is Promachoteuthis sloan and its purpose in the ecosystem is to eat fish also, the squid is the main food source for many organisms. If I saw the champion chewer i would not approach it because it is said to have strong jaws and i don't wanna find out for myself.

  15. The carnivorous sea squirt is unlike other sea squirts because it eats meat. It eats thorough its funnel shaped mouth It averages about 20 inches in length. It attaches itself to the sea floor. It was found at a depth of 13,143 feet near southern Tasmania, Australia. The Latin name is Didemnum vexillum. If i came in contact with in of these while swimming I would probably leave it alone because it looks like a scientific sea floor observing mechanism

  16. The Purple Progenitor is bind, purple, and this deep-sea life-form may be related to other common ancestor of humans, and other backboned animals.The latin name for purple pongenitor is: purple means dye and progenitor means founder of the family,or ancestor.

    I would be scard at first once I saw it, then after awhile it will be cool to have this newly discovered sea creature near me.

  17. Blob Fish? This creature can grow up to 12 inches long! It lives up to death of 800m. They call it a miserable fish, because of the way it frowns. Its common name is "Psychrolutes marcidus" . No one knows when the blob fish was actually found, but there are dates that people claim like 1926, 2000, and 1978. The latin name for a blob fish is Kiwa hirsuta, with hirsuta meaning “hairy”. This fish does not seem to have a role, it just floats in the water in its blob form. If I was swimming with one I would swim behind it, because of its lack of speed. That way I know it can not eat me. If I found one myself I would probably take a picture of it, and pet it to see how it feels.

  18. I choose the seafloor-skimming jellyfish, which doesn't float in the middle of the ocean such as regular jellyfish; but floats centimeters above the sea floor and it's tentacle on the seafloor. This jelly fish is a very unusal creature. Scientist went on a two month discovery for this particular creature, it was found October 28, 2010.
    This creature can be found in the mid-atlantic ocean. I would feel very weird about swimming with one of these creatures. If I ever found one I would be very fasinated to see it.
